My second encounter is what I believe is a Yellow Palm Warbler. Shadows were pretty bad and just as I had moved into position to get a better shot, a truck came flying down the dirt road almost out of control and everything flew.
Onward to another place, the Yellow Rumped Warblers seemed to dominate and were everywhere. Their numbers seem very large this year. The seeds on the poison vine are favorites of all birds so it seems and there was much chasing away going on this morning.

Ever so quitely I eased down the trail. Up went a Great Blue and the ducks. I could see movement in the water so I sat down the tripod and looked in the direction figuring on ducks.
No ducks but much movement and splashing about. It was a pair of otters creating havoc. Unfortunate that I was shooting into the direction of the sun. They continued down the creek coming up on the bank then sliding back into the water. For at least 20 minutes, I had the great pleasure of watching them. I hope they are here to stay for a while. When I finally lost sight of them, I watched as they disappeared in to what seemed like a den.