Hopes for a bright, clear Sunday morning were dashed early but I went ahead and went out hoping against hope. What an absolute shame too because we had the chance to come upon the merlin several folks have been trying to document. Well, proof is in the picture even though not a good one and four of us all took shots.

The Indigo Buntings were spectacular and unusually numerous and active. I believe the overcast skies actually helped photographing the vibrancy of their blue. It was a treat watching them.
Around 1400, the sun came out, blue skies and temperatures rebounded. To go back out or not? Blue skies were calling so off I went. This turned out to be a very good decision. Even though it was still very shady, where I was going, the birds were absolutely phenominal. Northern Parulas were singing everywhere. Warblers today: Yellow, Palm, Black and White Warblers, Black-Throated Blue and definitely heard a Black Poll. In deep shade and not the best shot but I enjoyed seeing them all.

Moving on to check out an area further down the trail, a bright splash caught my eye. At first I thought maybe a Cardinal until I heard. I was so excited and afraid I would not have time to get the camera adjusted that I just flipped the camera to programed. There it was, a Scarlet Tanager. I have seen Summer Tanagers and this location but never a Scarlet. Thrilled!

On a high and sun starting to get low I called it a day. On the way out, I passed an area and could definitely hear chirping of little ones. I saw the adult Phoebe fly in and stopped to look. Wish the shot could have been better but I dared not do anything to disturb the little ones by moving branches to try and get a clear shot. How sweet all of them lined up. A good ending to what turned out to be a good day.