Within the last two days in three different locations, I have caught a glimpse of what I thought was a Redstart. Going back and looking at last year, it was late September before I started seeing them on a regular basis. There were a couple of pair searching in a tree this afternoon and unfortunately, all my shots of the male were in deep shade. The female landed in a spot of light just long enough for me to get a shot.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
An Aerial Ballet
Attempting to dry out feathers, an immature male and a female
Common Yellow-throat were hunting in the willow trees.
I was surprised that several Northern Parula were in this morning. Sure sign that migration is beginning. I hope they will stay around for a bit.
A pair of Red-Shouldered hawks (?)were flying around and calling out. They soon flew over the wetland area and began putting on quite an aerial ballet. Four of us stood for at least ten minutes watching their show. They were moving so quickly I was having difficulty tracking them. The last shot posted here I was originally not going to post as they had moved out some distance from where I was standing. When I realized the position of one of the hawks, I decided it was a keeper.
Notice the position of the hawk at the bottom of this photo. Feet up.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Albino Fawns
A friend of
mine shared a photo he took of two young albino fawns he spotted while
driving. I asked permission to use the
photo after I learned that albino deer are not protected from being hunted in
this State and sadly, not in most.

After viewing many websites, I guess this has
been a hot topic in many States for some time.
First let me say that I am not opposed to hunting if done legally and
the meat is used. To kill any deer just
to cut off a rack is wasteful and shows a great disrespect towards the value of
a living creature. With fewer and fewer
people hunting these days, and in this area, a lack of natural predators, I
realize from a biological standpoint to maintain a healthy, sustainable herd,
hunting needs to be allowed. The sheer
number of deer-auto accidents and seeing deer in unusual places is a testament
to their growing numbers in this area.
Hunters with
high powered scopes and rifles, compound bows and supposedly, higher
intelligence have a greater advantage. Is
it really ethical to go after a creature that because of a fluke of nature has
no way to camouflage itself? Now if you
want to go man against beast, using brute strength, speed and cunning, no
weapons, and can then take one down,
that would be a fair match up.
The excitement of seeing one standing in a
field versus hanging on a wall; there is no contest. I can only hope that the many hunters continue
to believe a bit of lore from the Native American culture that it brings bad
luck to kill an albino deer.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Belted Kingfisher
The busy season of nest building and raising young has passed for another year. The summer is all but gone with astronomical fall in the northern hemisphere beginning on 22 September. Signs of migration are slowly but surely starting. The lull of this period gives the opportunity to study and observe the year round birds.
The Belted Kingfsher (Ceryle alcyon) was busy this morning diving for minnows, always coming back to one particular tree as its observation point. The tree is out in the middle of the wetlands area flooded by the beaver dam. Most of the small trees left in that area including this one were girded by the beaver and have already begun losing leaves.
Fun myth on the Belted Kingfisher. In Greek mythology. Alcyone (vr. of Halcyone) was the daughter of Aeolus. Aeolus was ruler of the wind. Alcyone married Ceyx and were said to be very happy. At times Alcyone and Ceyx referred to themselves as Zeus and Hera which angered Zeus. While Ceyx was on a journey at sea to consult an oracle, Zeus out of anger threw a thunderbolt at the ship. Soon after, Morpheus (God of Dreams) disguised as Ceyx appreared to Alcyone told of his fate. Stricken with grief, Alcyone threw herself into the sea. Out of compassion, the gods changed both Alcyone and Ceyx into birds, and yes, they were Belted Kingfishers.
The Belted Kingfsher (Ceryle alcyon) was busy this morning diving for minnows, always coming back to one particular tree as its observation point. The tree is out in the middle of the wetlands area flooded by the beaver dam. Most of the small trees left in that area including this one were girded by the beaver and have already begun losing leaves.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Bad Day for a Dragonfly

Neoscona crucifera, a member of the Orbweaver family made quick work of its capture. This arachnid gets its name from the cross shape pattern on its back. Non-poisonous to humans but deadly to insects. The dragonfly in its web had a very bad day. Cycle of life of preditor and prey.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Big Boy's Night Out
The last two afternoons when I walked down around the pond to put the trail camera out, I have spotted two Green Herons. This afternoon they were being very vocal which is unusual. I was going to walk back down with the camera but thunder started but eventually moved on. I will defintely have to do a little scouting tomorrow.
He is a fairly handsome buck and his rack looks more impressive than it did last year. Right after this close shot, he nudged the camera enough to dent the metal box. Guess he didn't like the little faint red glow. Fortunately, no damage to the camera.
Monday, August 6, 2012
An Experiment in Animal Behavior

Animal behavior fascinates me and after a couple of weeks of the camera in the same location, I moved about 25 feet and put in the mix a new object of three pieces of limb tied together in a teepee fashion.

The young raccoons, as I expected, regarded it as a piece of playground equipment. I was treated to several games of "King of the Teepee".
Thursday, August 2, 2012
See the Quick Grey Fox
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