A Pine Warbler was sitting in the tree over where I was looking at the feathers trilling away and wanting me to get away from the suet feeder. The cold temps have been bringing in the birds. Used the last of the suet cakes yesterday and with rain today, making more will be a good inside project.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Feather Mystery
A Pine Warbler was sitting in the tree over where I was looking at the feathers trilling away and wanting me to get away from the suet feeder. The cold temps have been bringing in the birds. Used the last of the suet cakes yesterday and with rain today, making more will be a good inside project.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Sandy Hook Snowflake Project
The focus should be on the children. I just learned of a project to make the school the children will be going back to a winter wonderland. This is not the school where the shooting took place The PTA is asking for many snowflakes to help decorate the school.
These are a few that I completed today and 18 more ready to embellish tonight. We have a group of us who are going to be working on a mad rush to get at least 24 done. A small contribution but we are going to work as hard as possible to make each snowflake different with embellishments.
More information can be found at the PTA site here. So folks, pull out those scissors and paper/felt or dust off that embroidery machine and get busy. FYI if you have an embroidery machine, Embroidery Library is currently offering a free download of a snowflake pattern for use. That pattern is available here.
Snowflakes cut from felt can be stiffened by "painting" the felt (both sides) with a liquid fabric stiffener/startch/sizing. Let dry flat. These turn out nicely and can then be glittered or otherwise embellished.
Snowflakes are asked to arrived by January 12, 2013 to:
Connecticut PTSA
60 Connolly Parkway
Building 12, Suite 103
Hamden, CT 60514
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
And The Winner Is?
Rain, rain, and more rain last night and all today.. We needed it but I am soooo tired of rain and gray skies. Tomorrow should be sunny even though cool, at least blue skies. Yesterday was beautiful for the most part of the day but family stuff and visiting left little time for anything else.
Late this afternoon when the rain finally stopped I walked down in the woods to retrieve the trail camera. Back to the house for boots then back again. The normally dry to damp creek bed was filled with water.
I love seeing the interaction between species. Based on size, who would you think would leave first?
Poor young buck! He just keeps getting his feelings hurt. One shot between these two is just a blur where the male fox charged at the deer. It really surprised me.
Late this afternoon when the rain finally stopped I walked down in the woods to retrieve the trail camera. Back to the house for boots then back again. The normally dry to damp creek bed was filled with water.
I love seeing the interaction between species. Based on size, who would you think would leave first?

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Battle of the Bucks

Last week, a new buck showed up. His rack is not quite as impressive as the largest buck but he is definitely one I have not seen before. I have not seen the largest buck in about two weeks now so I have some fear as to his well being. I will be glad when deer hunting season is over on 1 January.

The male fox (on the left) has been showing up for the last few nights. The female has nipped at him several times so I am not sure she is too happy to have him around.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Blue Jay
They are noisy and boisterous but really quite pretty. Oh well, for another day.
Blogger seems to be having issues tonight so short post.
Monday, December 17, 2012
The Young Red-Shouldered Hawk

It was doing some serious feather spreading and preening.
Yes, a poor little sparrow saw its last day but that is the cycle of life.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Slow Saturday
Lots of preening, wing stretching and chasing going on. I have to say, where the males of most species are generally the most attractive, I have to give it to the female Mallards. I believe their nicely patterned feathers make them more interesting than the males.

The fox has learned that where the corn is, there will be squirrels. It has gotten pretty good at catching one.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
It did however remind me that I had not cleaned the boxes from the previous nesting season which I usually do on thanksgiving day.
Their blue really stands out in the drab of soon to be winter and it just makes you feel good to see them.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
I am finally feeling a little bit better and went out for a
short time this morning just to get out of the house. With it being so close to
Christmas (hard to believe in 14 days), a little themed post seems appropriate.
I had noticed in one particular area, that mistletoe was beginning on several
trees in that area. Curious as most of the time you see bunches high in the
tree where this was only head high.
In Old English, mistiltan, current day mistletoe, is of possible German origins
from Mist for dung and Tang for branch. Mistletoe is generally spread by birds eating
and excreting the seeds then sprouting on the host tree from which it absorbs
nutrients. The North American variety, Phoradendron flavescens is native and
grows in trees from New Jersey to Florida.
There is much legend,
lore and history associated with mistletoe in many countries.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Under The Weather

Feeling a bit crafty, I pulled out the embroidery machine to work on some of the designs below. (image source) I love the works of James Audubon and the person that digitized these designs has done a really excellent job for embroidery patterns.
They are quite complex with many layers of shading which means massive color changes. The first project I completed (at 0130) this morning was the Wood Duck. 93 color changes for this piece. It looks great though. After ironing and placing on an adhesive foam board, I added a mat and framed. It turned out to be a really nice looking piece.
Hoping for some clearer skies tomorrow but looking at satellite weather, more clouds coming in.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Shades of Sage, Brown and Gray
In a landscape palette of sage, browns and grays, there is still beauty in the richness of texture that nature provides.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Hey Baby, How About a Walk in the Woods With Me?

Deer activity has been exceptionally high and with rutting season quickly coming to an end, looks like the bucks are trying for a little one on one time while they can.
The doe does not appear to be receptive to the invitation by either Buck Jr. or Big Daddy Buck. From other photo captures, she was definitely more relaxed around the younger buck and for a while, they even ate together.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Food Stashing
What had me so tickled was there was a Red-Bellied Woodpecker watching from a neighboring tree and as soon as the Nuthatch departed, it went and stole the food. Who says birds are not smart?
Monday, December 3, 2012
Cedar Waxwings
The Cedar Waxwings were very active today. They would fly to the holly tree which in turn brought the Robins and all the activity and chirps brought in yet more birds. While the Robins were brash, noisy and not shy about being out in the open, the Waxwings stayed deeper in the tree and in the shadows. Ocassionally, the Robins would run all of the Waxwings away from the tree and they would sit planning their next swarm.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
A Nuthatch is a Nuthatch is a Nuthatch
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