Gray day after gray day. The morning started out with a lingering fog that rolled in yesterday afternoon. Finally around 1300 the sun came out and temperatures soared. It was unbelievable temperature wise for January and tomorrow temps should be higher. It was so nice to open up the house and let fresh air in.
The birds were having a field day with insects stirring. Frogs were croaking at the pond and crickets chirping in the woods. A walk about in the yard showed that daffodils are already emerging and the iris are growing. The lengthening of the days is really beginning to be noticeable. Now at 1730 it is still fairly light out.
In October when the Yellow-Rumped Warblers first arrive, they seem to be everywhere. Slowly their numbers dwindle but over the past several days there has been an influx. There seems to be quite a lot of flashing the yellow so I wonder if some are beginning courtship. If you think about it, spring on 20 March is not that far away.
This Titmouse was seriously working on an acorn it found. It would lose its grip, the acorn would go rolling but the bird would retrieve it and back on the piece of the wood it would go again. It tried on the ground the I guess there was not enough resistance.
While taking the dog out for a walk, in what I guess is a privet tree, the Cedar Waxings were going nuts. When I got back from the walk I went back up to try and get some shots. I didn't want to go in their yard since no one was home so my angle with the sun was not the best.