Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Super Saturday

A doe was seriously working on an Elderberry bush. She rose on her back legs to get to where she could pull down the seed head. I guess she had a taste for them.

Friday, July 26, 2013
Tracking the Deer

I have been working on my projects that I am going to enter in the fair this year. Working on my gourd I did a slice and dice on my finger late yesterday. I guess I should have stopped and rested but I get involved and keep pushing.

One of the younger bucks comes up and tries to eat all the food first. The does however have become quite aggressive toward him particularly if a fawn is present.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
A Summer Saturday

There were lots of Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers out this morning. Young ones following mom learning hunting techniques. Some still would on occasion still beg for food but most were actively hunting.
The Mockingbirds are already scoping out the Elderberries. They will become very possessive chasing others away. It always make for fun viewing at the squabbles.
The eggs of a late nesting pair of House Wrenns hatched out at the first part of the week. The parents have certainly been busy today bringing food. I took the scope out so I wouldn't have to get so close to the box and watched them for a while this afternoon. To be so small they are a noisy bunch.

Friday, July 19, 2013
The Fly
It gives a whole new level of disgust when you have these uninvited visitors show up at your picnic.
Thursday, July 18, 2013

I decided to go ahead early and take a scoop of food down as two adults were ahead of them. As I started down the path they darted off just a little but I sat down when I came back up and waited just a couple of minutes. Sure enough here they came.
I wish the light had been a little better but it is fairly deep shade and the sun had gone behind some clouds. I was glad to finally get a good look at them. Soooo cute!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Fun with Macro

I am looking forward to experimenting and see what I can come up with. I really like the fact that using this lens (Raynox DCR-250), that I have the flexibility to use on several different lenses and with different cameras.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The Sun Lives

The humidity is so high that being out in the sun is just miserable. I sprayed on the bug spray as I knew they would be horrible and yes, they were.

It is fully summer with the only things stirring much are insects and reptiles. The mushrooms are exploding with all of the rain and I am always amazed at the variety within a small area.
This frog had taken up residence in a pile of dirt from an upturned tree.

I hope that my new super macro lens will arrive tomorrow. I am looking forward to trying out some really neat very close up shots. I am very anxious to see just what I will be able to do.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Stump The Raccoon

I keep the deer food in a metal trash can under the carport. During the night they would knock the lid off which of course started the dog barking. Cutting on the light would only disperse them for a short time. My first try was putting some bungee cords through the top to the side handles. Nope, they popped them off on the first try then chewed them the next night.

Determined last night, I took one of the python cable locks that I use to lock the trail camera to a tree and ran it through the top and handles. They did chew a bit of the plastic coating off but I guess quickly realized they could not chew the metal. One thing for sure, they were determined. They first arrived right after dark and the last try was at 0237.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Juvenile Indigo Bunting

Before long, the heat waves were becoming too prominent and clouds were rapidly building so I called it a morning. I am pretty happy with a couple of the digiscoped shots. The young Indigo on the bare limb was scoped and the other shot with the green foliage was taken with my regular camera. I still have a long ways to go but I am starting to learn the new camera a bit more each time I practice.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Ummmmm, Frog Legs
It has been a hot and miserable day out in the sun. The humidity is so high and the sun feels very hot. Out for a bit this morning but I was not out long before a light drizzle began.
A Red-bellied Brown Snake had a frog by the leg. The frog at first struggled but seemed finally resigned to its fate. As I really like frogs my first instinct was to try to get the snake away but then I had to remind myself that this is nature. Whether I was there or not, that is just the way it is.
The other day when I was out I heard the strangest little sound and started looking for what was making it. It was in a very shaded area with lots of ground cover. Eventually I spotted some movement and a bit of bright orange that stood out among all the green and brown.

Thursday, July 4, 2013
A fairly quiet day. Not too much going on. It is hard to believe that it is already the 4th of July. The spring went quickly and the summer months are flying by. Happy Fourth to all!
Monday, July 1, 2013

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