My new lens (Tamron 150-600) arrived late Tuesday afternoon. With the winter weather and precipitation over the last several days I had not been able to get outside and give it a try. I had been taking some shots through the windows during the snow but decided that was not a fair assessment. My shots today are also not a full assessment which I hope to really test out Sunday or the first part of next week. Unfortunately rain is projected for tomorrow. I hope it holds off!

All in all, it is indeed a good bargain for the money. The primary lens I had been using was a Canon 100-400. It definitely has been a well used and loved lens but needs to go to the shop for a bit of refurbishing and a good cleaning. With spring coming up, I did not want to be without a long lens for the migration season so I began looking around back in December. I debated for some time before doing a pre-order but figured what the heck. I could always have it for a back-up lens or sell if I was not happy with it.
While yes, it does have some weight to it, as one would expect, it is not so heavy that I could not easily take it off the tripod and whip out a few hand held chase shots of a hawk flying by. I am not saying that I could hand hold it all day but if need arises, it is not a problem.

It is definitely a bright day lens without having to use a high ISO. I found on mine, F8-F10 produces acceptable shots. Tried some at F11 which turned out nice but I was then pushing up the ISO. I am looking forward to going out and setting up some test shots to really give the lens a good testing.
It does tend to hunt a bit sometimes, but when I had it on the tripod, a quick manual adjustment and a half press of the shutter button it focused quickly. I like the position and ease of the focus ring. It really comes in handy.
While trying out the lens today, I began noticing that the Yellow-rumped Warblers are very definitely beginning to molt to their breeding colors. I saw one whose mask was almost completely black. A sure sign spring is on the way