I have been so super busy over the last week getting ready for a kitchen renovation there has been little time to do much else. To top it all off, a really bad case of sciatica hit me after a long hike and has had me off my feet quite a bit.
Off and on today when I would walk outside, I kept hearing this fast little chirping sound. I had spotted the juvenile Cowbird and kept trying to see which bird got sucker-punched. Late this afternoon I finally saw as a Carolina Wren was frantically trying to find enough to feed the young bird that was twice the size of the poor wren.

It really made me quite mad to think that the young wren chicks probably did not make it and were pushed out of the nest by this bird. The photo is not the best as it was getting late and light was funky.
Just before dark I walked out on the deck and noticed some movement at the disappearing fountain. Normally I do not kill snakes but sorry, this Copperhead was too close to the house and my dog walks in that area.

I went to get the hoe and had a little bit of trouble trying to get it among the rocks. It was striking out at me so I was trying to be very careful. I felt sort of bad but just could not risk the dog getting bitten.....or me.
As it was now almost dark and I really did not want to walk down get it over the fence, I draped it over a stump. Head removed I am going to be curious as to whether anything will get it tonight or one of the hawks in the morning. Did a quick set up of the trailcam so see if anything comes tonight.