After almost a month of computer and internet issues, I am close to having things resolved. Windows 10 auto update crashed my computer. When I restored back to Windows 7, the computer began having issues. To top it all off, AT&T then cut the DSL connection to force everyone to go to the U-verse which has been a nightmare. I have been averaging 18 losses per hour so basically trying to do anything on the internet has been an exercise in frustration. Late this afternoon they finally notified me they would be running a new line.

A new computer.....back with Windows 7 has me back on line again. Microsoft tried to slip back in tonight and do the auto-update but I got it stopped.
One of the doe showed up with her fawn on Saturday afternoon. Then the heavy barrage of fireworks Sunday and Monday night sort of spooked them. I saw them come back up late this afternoon.

I have been having such a time with one of the young raccoons. It is definitely very curious and if I don't take in the bird feeders at night, thinks they are its own private diner. Yesterday afternoon I watched them waiting for the edge of dark to come down from their tree. The younger one kept trying to engage the adult in play.
It is going to be a miserably hot, muggy week this week so not sure I will be going out much.