Thursday, August 21, 2014

Busy Week

I can't believe it is almost the end of August.  This week has been exceptionally busy trying to finish up state fair projects with my nephew, finalize my submission to the J.C. Raulston Arboretum photo contest and finish one of my donations to the Yates Mill organization that keeps the mill going at the local park I visit.

I take my photos in tomorrow with the reception/awards ceremony Saturday evening.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  Since the photos cannot have been published prior to the contest I will share those after Saturday.   I am okay with the two photos I am submitting but you never know what the judges like.

The donation of the toy owls for the Harvest sale were much more involved than I anticipated.  I though I would get a dozen done but have settled for eight with everything else going on.  They turned out pretty cute.  The little pulley hands on a hanger and when you pull the string, the owl climbs the string and the wings rotate.

I had a female or young Black-and-white Warbler stop by this morning early.  The light colored face is a pretty good indicator of a female or juvenile.  I think it is the first time I can remember seeing one though I have always seen lots of male B&W's around.

The fawns are more and more beginning to wander off on their own though the doe is generally somewhere in the area.  This fawn did not like the liriope grass but did favor the flowers.  It walked along gently nibbling off the flowers.


  1. Those owls are so cute, Paula. Good luck on the photo contest.

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Basing from the photos you've already shared, I'm thinking you did marvelous in the contest. All your pictures are gorgeous, as always. Thanks for sharing them! I hope you're is having a great time this season!

    Lucius Campbell @ Skild
