Friday, April 11, 2014

5+ Feet of a Not Happy Snake

Warm weather brings them out and this one was in the yard today.  It really did not like being disturbed and I really did not like it being that close to the house.  No, I didn't kill it but highly discouraged it from calling the yard home.  Where are the hawks when you need them?


Coppertop said...

Nice photo - what kind of snake is it?

Nature Girl said...

Black Rat Snake. Not poisonous but they will chase you if provoked.

Unknown said...

Yuk! as you may imagine, I am NOT fond of snakes. I think we had those in Pennsylvania (or one that is similar) but never saw one in Maine. Hope to never see one here either. :-)

Nature Girl said...

They too have a purpose! If they stay out of my yard, I like them much better but at least it is not poisonous. Most spring's never pass without seeing a Copperhead in the yard so I will take this one any day instead.