I finished putting down the new floor in the kitchen today less the shoe molding. It took me about four hours Saturday to cut the vinyl. I just took my time and it came out pretty darn good. Beats the heck out of the $400+ estimates I had. Today I put down the adhesive and rolled the vinyl to secure. My body aches in places tonight I didn't know I had! A couple of ibuprofen and a hot shower and I should be good to go tomorrow.

During one of my resting periods today I noticed two birds coming in to the bath. I had to pull out the book tonight to make my decision on what they were. The females particularly when in their fall coloration can be difficult.
I have finally decided that this is an adult female in her fall colors. The bird with her was a younger 1st year female and she stayed hidden most of the time in some leaves.
Bet you will be glad to have the house done, Paula.
I was looking at your bird today and then looking back through the last few posts and noticing how many of these birds have yellow on them. Liz had a Palm Warbler today too, also had yellow. Very confusing!!
The sure do love that bath though. I think I need to get one of those.
As I read your blog I was thinking wish Paula would post a photo of the entire bird bath. Maybe you did in precious post, I'll have to back track. The birds seem to really like it and I am in need of new one.
Then I saw Gladys's post - she is on same wave link! :-)
Congratulations on the remodeling, you are a multi-talented lady.
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