Winter Solstice will occur locally at 1803 EST today. The winter solstice occurs when the sun has reached its most southerly declination of 23.5 degrees. Today we will have 9 hours and 43 minutes of light. Want to know info about your geographical location? Check
One good thing, it is all up hill from here on with the number of daylight hours gradually increasing. This morning it is gray, overcast and cool. These photos seem to match the mood of the day.
I love your choice of photos Paula! Very fitting for the day. We are gray here as well with a high of 30 degrees.
I also love that the days will be getting longer!
Thanks Liz. They seemed fitting for such a gray, blah day. It has been cool and damp feeling here today and unfortunately it looks like we have rain the next couple of days. I agree on the longer days.
One more of us happy to see longer days. I like the black and white trees, Paula. So fitting.
I know Gladys, I really dislike the short daylight days. Just think....87 days until the first day of spring!
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