and with that being completed yesterday, I decided to take a day to relax and go birding.
It was a bit late in the morning when I decided to head out and then I forgot to take my MP3 player and little speaker to play bird sounds but it still ended up being an enjoyable day. I stayed about four hours and would have liked to stay longer but wanted to get back before the school buses hit the road.
I didn't stay long by the river side and moved back up to the road where I had heard lots of bird calls as I was going in. Trying to be very quite I did manage a couple of shots of a pair of Wood Ducks before they flew off. Not the best but I seemed cursed when it comes to getting a decent shot of them.
A Snapping Turtle had crawled up to the path to warm in the sun. He/she hissed at me when I walked by even though I gave it great leeway as I passed.
I kept hearing one particular bird and stood for some time before I finally spotted it. I knew it was a Waterthrush but had to double check once I got home to determine which and it was a Northern Waterthrush.
The Prothonotary Warblers are in and despite their bright color it can be quite difficult to spot them. They seem to blend in with the bright green of the leaves.
There were lots of American Redstarts and the males were keeping quite a noise. Amazing how loud a little bird can be.
Paula, thank you for sharing your outing with us. Love the photos.
Thanks Liz. It was a good day. More and more migratory birds coming in daily now.
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