The Kingfisher couple were in the wetlands taking advantage of the warming waters that brought the frogs and small fish to the surface. They were having a big time. The male chased the female around but she really did not want a lot to do with him. A couple of times he brought the female a small fish trying to gain her favor.
One one dive, the male came up with a frog and carried to a nearby tree where he proceeded to whip the frog against the tree over and over. I felt sort of bad for the frog. A heck of a way to go to be beaten to death.
I haven't seen anything Kingfishers since last year. Do they migrate? Your pics are great - I think you have way more patience than I do. ☺️
They are year-round birds here. I really like the Kingfishers. They are fun to watch particularly this time of year while they are courting. I learned early on that a whole lot of wildlife photography is just waiting.
I love the king fisher with its mouth full of fish. here in England, our Kingfishers are bright turquoise. It always interests me the difference between "your" birds and "ours".
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