I didn't get out as early as I had hoped this morning. I had to go pick up some replacement windows and wanted to get those in this morning. I had all the windows replaced a couple of years ago and several had begun having a mold growing between the two panes of glass. Not all were in but it is sure nice for a clear view on those I replaced.
I knew not much would be out by the time I got to the park and then there was a school group but they were on the way out. I walked back to the back and found that the pair of Northern Shovelers were still there. I was having to shoot towards the light so they are not the best.
There was lots of courtship activity going on between this pair. I got really ticked watching them taking turns seeing how much water they could splash. They would follow the splashing with preening and stretching. It is unusual for them to be here this late and I am hoping they may stay and nest.

The males are quite pretty now as they are coming in to their full breeding color. I think I will try for a better shot tomorrow under more favorable light conditions. I like when they show all the colors on the wings.
Wasn't today terrific? Guess we have to enjoy while we can.
I'm so jealous - to be out walking on bare ground - lucky you!
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