There were a group of three Great Crested Flycatchers searching for insects. I could tell two were first year birds and I am sure the adult was the mom.

A Red-eyed Vireo was hunting in the same general area as the Flycatchers. I have not seen one since the spring and was glad to get a good look at it.

There were lots of hummingbirds and they were very active however with the low light it was difficult to get up much shutter speed without going way high on the ISO. Still they are fun to watch.

The Passion Flowers are in full bloom and quite pretty. They were staying open later in the morning with the overcast sky. I really want to get one of these vines going at the house.
Of course now that I am back at the house, it looks like the sun is trying to make an appearance. I guess better late than never.
Glad to hear the birds are returning. I haven't been out and about too much this week. Your photos are going to have me taking a closer look at the birds. I wonder how many different species that I pass up.
I hope things are okay with you. Rain has kept me home too and unfortunately, it looks like more is on the way. I have had several warblers drop by late this afternoon so birds are definitely coming in.
Love your photos, Paula!
Funny! I was chasing a Great Crested Flycatcher around our backyard today. But I didn't fair as well, I could get close enough for a photo!
Thanks Liz. These were very cooperative and intent on hunting insects so they seemed to just overlook my being there. Hopefully you can get a shot before it departs.
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