After several days of not even picking up a camera, my friend talked me in to going to the river for a bit this morning. We had both hoped to photograph some Redstarts and there were plenty there but they were zoom-zooming every time they would fly and go deep into the brush.
We did on the other hand see plenty of Prothonotary Wablers.......

Northern Parula..................
and lots of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers hunting in the foliage. All and all it was a pretty good morning with the only disappointment no American Redstart shots. Another day.
Every time I see all the birds that you see, I wonder how many I am missing. That little Gnatcatcher is a cutie.
Hope all went well on Tuesday.
The birds are out there. A whole lot of looking and waiting! The little Gnatcatchers are curious little birds.
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