Late yesterday afternoon I looked out and saw the Summer Tanagers had arrived. A pair nested behind the house last year and after the nesting season, the adult female came to the bird bath daily.

There is no doubt that the male that came yesterday was a first year male. I would guess he is probably from last nesting season. A bit harder to tell on the female.
The male came first and what first caught my attention is that the adult male Cardinals were giving this bird heck. Thinking first it was a another Cardinal until I saw the yellow on the wings and once it moved more in to the light I could see the color difference. I am glad to have them back this year. For sure he took after his Mom in enjoying the bath.
Love the colors! I had not heard of a Summer Tanager before seeing your photos. Thank you, Paula, for showing me yet another beautiful bird.
Paula, you are soooooo lucky to see all those birds in your neck of the woods. How pretty!!
Thanks Liz. They are definitely the bright, bold colors of summer. The young male will eventually molt the yellow feathers and be all one color.
Hi Gladys, yes, I do feel fortunate that a wide variety of birds come by and hang out around the house. It makes me look forward to migration times each year.
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