Have you ever had a fly or mosquito that flew around you and just annoyed the crap out of you? That is the impression I got today as I watched this Mockingbird harass this hawk. After the almost unending rain yesterday, all the hawk wanted to do was sit, preen and dry out. She had been doing some serious preening for quite a while and had a couple of crows that showed a brief interest but quickly moved on. After she had been preening almost 20 minutes, in comes a Mocker.

The Mocker harassed the heck out of the poor hawk so much I really felt sorry for it. The Mockingbird got bolder and bolder eventually making contact with the hawk on several occasions.

After a while, the hawk had enough and the Mockingbird got too bold. It jumped down right in front of the hawk, She was already standing up and when the Mocker landed in front of her.....taps. It happened in the blink of an eye.
The Mockingbird tempted fate once too often and payed the ultimate price.
Sounds like maybe the hawk was playing it 'cool' anticipating the mockingbird would come closer! Your photos are neat.
What a great catch on these photos, Paula. Love them!
Thanks Liz. I think the hawk would have left the Mockingbird alone if it had left her alone. She sure took the opportunity to get even.
Thanks Gladys. Wish the light had been in a little better position but you take what you can get. It was interesting to watch.
Wow! I wonder if the hawk was just too close to the Mockingbird's nest and protective instincts kicked in. I once saw two Mockingbird's fight to the death...they are aggressive little things!
I think it was just being an obnoxious Mockingbird. You are correct in that they can be aggressive birds. Not this one anymore!
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