While they are nothing exotic, the young ones have been quite fun to watch over the past several days. They are full of vim and vigor having time to indulge in what seems like play.

The young ones have been very timid about going to the bird bath. They have swooped by at it and sit on a nearby limb watching intently as other birds splash about. After several days of just wanting to go in so badly, one gathered nerve enough to touch down. It would dip its head in a little then turn around and dip its tail in. As much feather fluffing that goes on after the least little bit of contact with the water is funny.

After barely getting in to the water, this one took up position on the deck rail and dried out in the sun.

Mom bird still spends much of her time looking for food and as soon as she finds something, the young ones immediately begin the begging behavior.
Ah, they are so cute. Love the wing detail on the first photo.
They have been cute to watch. The young birds have been displaying their wings like that to each other so not sure what they are doing.
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