This couple selected a very precarious place to have their nest. Last year this snag hosted two Brown-headed Nuthatch nests and sadly fell during a storm when the birds were still in it. The bottom now rest in water and is supported only by the tree it is leaning on.
I worry when it comes time for these chicks to fledge. No room for error or they may end up in the water.

These parents are certainly busy bringing food back to the chicks.
How neat, thank you for sharing.
Love the Blue Birds, we haven't seen one this year and am hoping that they'll at least show for the second round of nesting late summer.
You are right, one tends to forget that they nest in other places than those boxes. Pretty cool that the chickadees are right there too.
Hi Liz, They are year-round birds here but I still love them. Always nice to have a bright spot of blue in the landscape. Hope you have them arrive soon.
Hi Gladys, I sort of laughed that with 5 new boxes in the park for them to choose from, their natural instinct for nesting in tree cavities won. Hope your BB's are doing well.
I think it's neat that they chose the cavity over the nest boxes too! I sure hope the first flight lesson goes smoothly...
I do too Emily. Those natural instincts are very strong. Always nice to give Mother Nature a hand with boxes but they find a way without them.
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