Sunday, July 17, 2016

Gathering of Bucks

While it is not so unusual to see a gathering of bucks as rutting season nears, it seems a bit early to see a group now.  This afternoon when I looked out the window, there were six bucks hanging out near the pond.  Shortly after I put some corn out, they came on up.  There are two that I see daily but new ones had arrived from somewhere.

All of the doe hung back in the tree line while the bucks gorged themselves.  There was quit a bit of chasing and attempting to show dominance among the bucks.  The little fawn just walked among them trying to get someone to play.

Of all days not to have the trail camera out!  I was shooting through the window as I was afraid that any attempt to open one up would send them running so they are not the best.  Here are a few.

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