Thursday, February 2, 2017

Happy Ground Hog Day

Six more weeks of winter?  We have had a fairly mild winter this year and already, the daffodils in the yard are beginning to bloom.  Regardless of what the Ground Hog may say, the calendar confirms that spring still does not begin until 21 March.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Cedar Waxwings Bathing

Over the last several days, a large flock of Cedar Waxwings have hit the street going from one property to the next devouring the berries from all fruiting plants.  They have completely finished off from my holly and are working on some up the street.

I see them early when I am walking the dog and by the time I get back to the house, they are coming in for water and a bath.

Hope you enjoy the video below.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Weather Outside Is Frightful

It has been a miserable day between the freezing rain, sleet and snow.  The extreme cold over the next couple of days means we will be stuck with it for several days.

The little hummingbird that is here hit the feeder often and long today.  I had set up a light under the eaves of the house along with a stick tied to the ladder. The hummer warmed itself from the heat of the light most of the day.

I could not find a think cover heat lamp and it did not particularly like the white light so I settled on a yellow bug light hence the gold glow.

I had lots of birds and put out additional food on the ground and along the deck rail to limit food fights.

Though not one of the colorful birds that visited today, my two favorite shots today were a female Cardinal and a dove.