Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Urgent Action Needed To Protect Eagles

UPDATE:  Comments may be filed with the Federal Register in regards to SUBJECT:  Eagle Permits; Revisions to Regulations for Eagle Incidental Take and Take of Eagle Nests, here.

A new federal rule would permit the injury or killing of 4200 eagles per year.  This approval is being sought by companies owning wind companies that produce power.  While clean energy is important, I am not sure that the proposal of 30 year permits and self reporting of injuries/kills is the right direction.  You can read the story here.

While the Bald Eagle has made a come back, 4200+ that could be killed without consequence would begin taking a toll over a 30 year period.

I ask you to read and if you feel that 30 year permitting is too long, a petition has been initiated and signatures are desperately needed to address this issue before the Obama administration revises the federal rule governing this issue.  A petition to the White House has been started and can be found here.

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