Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Green-wing Teals

My friend and I hit a new area early yesterday morning where quite a few Wood Ducks had been spotted.  We arrived at sunrise because we had about a 20+ minute walk to where we were going.  In hindsight we figured if we had walked another 15 minutes we could have gotten closer to where all the ducks were hanging out.

We saw one pair of Wood Ducks then they disappeared.  We were disappointed until we realized there were lots of Green-wing Teals out.  They were quite a distance out so the photos are not the best hence our decision to try again this coming Friday if the weather improves.  Next try we will walk farther down from where we were.

By about 1030, we were getting ready to walk back to the car when I realized I had not added the 1.4 extender to the 500 lens which would have given me 700.  I definitely was having a brain lock that day.

Anyway, I was able to salvage a few shots even though they are not the best.


Unknown said...

Pretty ducks, aren't they. Hopefully you will find a way to get closer the next time (or at least remember the extender *grin*). I thought I was the only one that remembered things AFTER the shoot.

Nature Girl said...

I wished two things, we had been closer and I had not forgotten the extender. A duh-huh moment. I put the extender on the 400 then took the 400 off to put the 500 on.