Friday, February 17, 2012

Spring Fever

A touch of the late season crude has hit me a couple of days this week and I stayed home today...just because.   The morning began fairly warm and it turned out to be a beautiful day.  Not sure what the temps finally reached but I suspect around 65 deg. 

A pair of hawks spent the morning around the yard area keeping quite a bit of fuss.  Joining in the morning calling was a Pileated Woodpecker with another somewhere further in the woods answering.  The one close by would throw its head back and let out the unmistakable call then wait for the reply.

All the commotion and calling brought in the crows, a group of Grackles and the Turkey Vulture circling overhead.

 A walk about in the yard this afternoon showed definite signs that spring is not far away.  Lots of plants beginning to show signs of life and the insect population is becoming active on the warm days.  I saw three different types of butterflies today.

Unfortunately, the weather for the big birdcount weekend does not look promising.  I had planned to go with a group Sunday but that now looks like a wash.

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